New websites still in designing mode can have a ‘Coming Soon Page’ created rather than keep their domain address blank. It informs the visitors about when your website will go live. You can even give a peek of the product or service that will be provided.
An existing website needs to be brought down often for upgrades or maintenance. With the ‘Maintenance Mode’ page, visitors can be informed about the temporary situation. Coming Soon Page plugin can help you to create appealing pages, informing visitors about the website being in under construction mode, or is coming soon.
The process of creating pages is simple. Just install the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin. Whenever your site is being fixed, just activate the plugin. In a few minutes, the page gets created, and don’t need any technical know-how to create and publish it.
Impressive features of Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin
Add background image
Customize the Coming Soon or Maintenance Mode page with a relevant background image. You get to select from 650,000 high-quality background images. You can choose a preferable image and fine-tune it by using Instagram-like filters.
Add a preferred theme
Professional themes are provided, which can be customized to align with branding guidelines and deliver a personalized experience to visitors. There is no need to have any great technical knowledge to personalize the themes. Basic WordPress and computer skills are sufficient!
Inbuilt SEO feature
SEO is crucial for every kind of website to obtain ranking on search results on the first page. The plugin has been developed as per SEO guidelines, so you can gain better search engine rankings. It adds more value to your SEO strategies!
Collect emails
Coming soon page will be visited by plenty of visitors, before the scheduled launch of your new website. They may be interested in becoming subscribers for your newsletters. It will help them get the necessary updates about your business events and future plans.
You may surely want to collect email addresses of visitors landing on your domain, while it is still under construction. There is no need for third-party solutions, because the plugin is compatible with auto-responders, CRM, and marketing tools that can help to gather email addresses.
Access to specific users
If you are a developer and creating a website for a client, then this plugin allows you to provide a hassle-free and convenient access exclusively to that client. Your client can see how the website design is progressing and give you feedback on required changes.
They can easily log in to the developing WP website with the given access authentication. Therefore, clients can bypass the maintenance mode or coming soon page, and gain direct access to developing content.
Quick modification
The coming soon or maintenance pages get created in a few minutes, allowing you to get along with another core task of creating or maintaining a WP site.
Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin is a useful tool for sites and blogs which run on WP platform. You can install and enjoy all the benefits accompanying it!
It is important to use proper page redirect options, while making use of temporary pages on your WordPress site or blog, and also while making permanent changes on any web pages. For information on the best WordPress redirect plugin, click here.