Street Smart Lessons From Paul Oghoghorie – Nigerian Internet Expert

Internet business is not without its bumpy path. Success in it depends on applying winning secrets known only to experts. A recent dialogue with one of Nigeria’s Internet expert exposed timeless secrets anyone who desires to run a successful Internet business should know and apply.

Paul Goodluck Oghoghorie is one of Nigeria’s Internet expert earning genuine income on the Internet. Learning from what he has to say as to tips and tricks of the trade should interest all genuine Internet fortune seekers and other experts alike.

Why is this important? Experience! Before jumping into any line of business, it is advised that one learn from the experts. This is because of the experience acquired by the expert over the years. It is this experience that forms the knowledge base anyone new comer can learn from.

So what can you do to succeed in Internet business? Lessons learned from one of Nigeria’s Internet expert, Paul Oghoghorie reveals the following:

1. Make Sure It Is Your Passion: It will be foolishness to go into any business in which you have no passion. If you see it as hard work, your chances for success will be significantly reduced. Andrew Carnegie while sharing his thoughts with Napoleon Hill on issues relating to the work anyone does emphasized the need to marry ones interest with the work he does. Once your work is fun to you, it could provide for you the veritable means for recreation which multiplies the time you devote to it. It is such time that will yield the productivity and subsequent profit strongly desired. The more profits made, the more your chances of success. In short, passion and profits go together in running a successful Internet business.

2. Be Ready To Learn: Just as Paul said, there is need for you to learn everything about how Internet business works. Learning is the stepping stone to knowledge application. The more knowledge you have on Internet business, the more you’ll be positioned to apply the knowledge. Once the knowledge is applied, there is greater chance of yielding positive results. One way to have right knowledge is to learn from the experts.

3. Change Your Circumstances: If you don’t like what is happening to you now, you have the power to change the circumstance. Paul Ogoghorie did just that years ago when he was immersed in poverty infested circumstances. One way to change your circumstances is to acquire new habits and skills. Do I need to tell you that Internet business goes with a lot of skills? Your new habit is the empowerment you need to change your circumstances for good. Paul did it. It worked for him.

4. Be Honest: You see, there are so many fraud being perpetrated daily on the Internet. You surely don’t want to be part of it. You need to cultivate the habit of honesty in principles and practice. In fact, this is the missing link why so many advance countries never want to do business with any Internet merchant originating from Nigeria. Yet not all are dishonest. Dishonesty has no color or race. It is universal. Internet fraud abound everywhere. You can be different and be positioned for success wherever you are if honesty is your business policy. Paul Oghogorie did this in Nigeria. He is widely recognized now in the Internet world though from Nigeria. You too can inculcate the habit of honesty. It is a sure-fire way to run a successful Internet business.