Conventional Black Hat Seo Techniques

In this article, you will see a collection of methods that you should avoid at all costs if you do not want your website to disappear from Google, Yahoo, or Bing lists.

We will talk about keyword stuffing, cloaking, sneaky redirects, low-quality content, paid links, abuse of structured data, spam in comments, link farms, and private networks. These elements we will discuss are used by various seo thailand companies and are vital in achieving digital marketing success.

Keyword Stuffing

As defined by Google, keyword stuffing is like filling a turkey, only on your website. Thus, stuffing consists of putting a keyword inside a page over and over again, so that it seems that a bot writes it, instead of a person.

You can research the keywords that interest your audience (and you should do so), but using them without a reading goal is a bad idea. Instead of filling in your irrelevant word content, focus on creating useful content.


This is a practice that is penalized by Google, mainly since it consists of a hoax, which is done in this way: showing the web users one thing and the search engine another within the same link. Thus, when a person seeks to “send flowers in Los angeles,” he clicks on a florist called “Los Angeles ,” waiting for him to take a florist. It comes to something else: download some unsolicited files or find unexpected behavior.

Low-quality Content (Thin Content)

The appearance of low-quality content that is not of value to the search engine is a relatively common practice when doing Black Hat SEO. It includes cutting and pasting content from one site to another without citing it correctly, which goes against copyright. Thus, search engines have evolved to detect people who duplicate the content making it of poor quality.